Mise à jour le 30 avr. 2022
Publié le 2 décembre 2020 Mis à jour le 30 avril 2022

Jeune docteure, didactique, linguiste

Contact : gulaytir@gmail.com

Domaines de recherche : linguistique appliquée, enseignement d'anglais langue étrangère, processus d'écriture, multilinguisme, apprenants bilingue, enseignement de turc langue étrangère, didactique des langues, keystroke loggings

Pages personnelles :
  • 2020 - Doctorat de l’Université de Lyon II en Lexicologie et Terminologie Multilingues, Traduction, soutenue le 25/11/2020. Thèse : “EFL learners' writing processes : the relationship between linguistic knowledge, composing processes and text quality” (Processus d'écriture en anglais langue étrangère : interactions entre compétences linguistiques, processus de rédaction et qualité du texte) Jury : Mehmet Ali AKINCI, Cecilia GUNNARSSON, Rebekah RAST et James WALKER. Directrice de thèse: Heather HILTON
  • 2006 - Master in Educational Sciences, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Leuven/ Belgique
  • 1991 - Licence in English Language Teaching, Faculty of Education, Hacettepe University, Ankara/ Turquie
  • Tiryakioglu, G., Peters, E., & Verschaffel, L. (2019). The effect of L2 proficiency level on composing processes of EFL learners: Data from keystroke loggings, think-alouds and questionnaires. In K. Sullivan & E. Lindgren (Eds.), Observing writing: logging handwriting and computer keystrokes (pp.212-235). Leiden: Brill
  • Tiryakioglu, G. (2011). Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language to Children: The Case in Belgium. In V.D. Günay, Ö. Fidan, B. Çetin & F. Yıldız (Eds), Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of Teaching Turkish ( 3. Uluslararası Türkçenin Eğitimi-Öğretimi Kurultay Bildirileri) (pp 323-332). İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Universitesi ISBN 978-975-441-333-5
  • Tiryakioglu, G. (2008). Teaching Turkish as a Second Language to Children in Belgium: Methods, Techniques and Materials. In I. Aydoğan & A.F. Yaylacı (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Congress of European Turks in the Contex of Education and Culture (I.Uluslararası Eğitim ve Kültür Bağlamında Avrupalı Türkler Kongresi) (pp 114-131). Kayseri: Erciyes Üniversitesi   ISBN-ISSN 9789756478479(Tk.)
d'innovation scientifique

Création d'une tâche de copie d'Inputlog en turc en coopération avec l'Université d'Antwerpen/Belgique, Janvier, 2017 (pour mesurer la compétence en dactylographie en turc)

  • Depuis 1991 : professeur d'anglais langue étrangère | Ministère de l'éducation nationale turque
  • 2013-2018 : professeur de turc | Consulat de Turquie à Lyon
  • 2004-2008 : lectrice de turc langue étrangère  | Department  Linguistique, Hogeschool Universiteit Brussel (HUB)/Bruxelles/Belgique
  • 2003-2008 : professeur de turc | Ambassade de Turquie de Bruxelles
  • 2000-2003 : lectrice d'anglais langue étrangère  | Université d'Anadolu, Turquie
  • Tiryakioglu, G. (2021). "Turkish-French bilingual learners' writing processes and text quality in their L1, L2 and L3". Presentation at the International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, Anadolu University, 2nd-4th August, Eskisehir/Turkey
  • Tiryakioglu, G., & Hilton, H. (2019). "Multilingual writing processes and text quality" Paper presented at EUROSLA, 28th-31st August, Lund/Sweden
  • Tiryakioglu, G., & Hilton, H. (2018). "The relationship between typing skill and writing processes in multilingual writing". Paper presented in symposium "Typing in a foreign language - how does it affect your writing? "at the EARLI Special Interest Group International Conference on Writing, 29th-31st August, 2018, Antwerpen/Belgium
  • Tiryakioglu, G., & Hilton, H. (2018). "The relationship between writing processes and text quality in L1 and L2 writing". Paper presented at the EARLI Special Interest Group International Conference on Writing, 29th-31st August, Antwerpen/Belgium
  • Tiryakioglu, G. (2017) "The relationship between typing speed and writing fluency in multilingual writing". Presentation at ELN-COST Action Copy Task Research Meeting, 09-10th November, University of Antwerpen/Belgium
  • Tiryakioglu, G., Sercu, L., & Verschaffel, L. (2014).“How Beneficial is L2 Writing Strategy Instruction for EFL Learners at Different Proficiency Levels”.  Presentation at Research Meeting Session of EARLI Special Interest Group International Conference on Writing, 27th-29th August, Amsterdam/The Netherlands
  • Tiryakioglu, G., Sercu, L., & Verschaffel, L. (2014).“How Beneficial is L2 Writing Strategy Instruction for EFL Learners at Different Proficiency Levels”. Poster Presentation at the Research School of EARLI Special Interest Group International Conference on Writing, 25th-26th August, Utrecht/The Netherlands
  • Tiryakioglu, G., Sercu, L., & Verschaffel, L. ‘(2010).“The effect of L2 proficiency level on composing processes of foreign language student writers”. Poster Presentation at 12th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group on Writing, 8th-10th September, Heidelbergh/Germany
  • Tiryakioglu, G. (2010).“Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language to Children: The Case in Belgium". Paper Presentation at the 3rd International Turkish Education and Teaching Conference, 1st – 3rd July, Izmir/Turkey
  • Tiryakioglu, G. (2009)."The organization of writing processes of foreign language learners: The interaction between L2 proficiency, composing processes and text quality’". Round-table Presentation at EARLI-JURE, 24th-25th August, Amsterdam
  • Tiryakioglu, G. (2008). "Teaching Turkish as a Second Language to Children in Belgium: Methods, Techniques and Materials". Paper presented at the 1st International Congress of European Turks in the Context of Education and Culture, 22nd-23rd  February, Antwerpen/Belgium